Automakers are charges to report December U.S. auto sales on Tuesday, Jan. 4.

A indicator to optimism among toil experts is the flood in retail sales, typically more profitable than volume quick sales to companies and rental auto agencies.

Fleet and rental sales are expected to sign up 19 percent of December sales, downstairs the typically of 20.4 percent for that month, according to facts from

more - <a href=>Geico auto insurance</a>">

auto commerce, Автотранспорт

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auto commerce

в рубрике: *** Автотранспорт ***
auto commerce19667
Тип объявления:Предложение
Дата публикации:31.12.2010  13:35:30
Срок актуальности:УЖЕ НЕ АКТУАЛЬНО
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Текст объявления:

DETROIT (Reuters) -- December is expected to be the third true month that U.S. auto sales detain vulnerable 12 million vehicles on an annualized point of departure, capping a year of gentle recovery for the auto sector, analysts said.

While December alone cannot foreshadow 2011 exhibition, a greatest chronicle neighbourhood of sales at this pace suggests the recovery could backlash into higher gear.

"That"s a great character from the 16 million and 17 million sales rates that we prepared for the treatment of the better region of this decade. But we"re coming minus of 2010 on an upswing and I regard as this bodes far in the service of 2011," said Ford Motor Co. sales analyst George Pipas.

Automakers are charges to report December U.S. auto sales on Tuesday, Jan. 4.

A indicator to optimism among toil experts is the flood in retail sales, typically more profitable than volume quick sales to companies and rental auto agencies.

Fleet and rental sales are expected to sign up 19 percent of December sales, downstairs the typically of 20.4 percent for that month, according to facts from

more - <a href=>Geico auto insurance</a>

auto commerce

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